Welcome to the official website of DOKENSIP.
In this Legal Notice you will find important information about the terms of use of the website, our privacy policy and personal data protection.
► Ownership of the website: This website is managed by HIRUTEKNOVA S.L. Your address for these purposes is in ARRILUCE DOCK S / N, LOCAL D1, 48990 Getxo (Bizkaia) Spain., The owner of the website and responsible for the processing of personal data collected through it.
► This website is only for adults. The owner of the website declines any responsibility for the breach of this requirement by the person who accesses it.
► By accessing this website, you assume the role of “user” or, committed and dedicated to everything that is established in this Legal Notice, as well as to any other requirement that the current ones require. The owner of the website is exempt from any type of liability arising from the information published on this website, unless the law states otherwise. Likewise, it is exempt from any responsibility for the lack of availability (falls) of the site, which can cause things to stop for technical maintenance. Unless otherwise required by law, the owner of the website reserves the right to any information that may appear on this website, that there is an obligation to pre-advise or inform the user of these changes, sufficing the publication of said changes in the web.
► The personal data collected on this website was transferred, shared, transferred, or sold to a third party. It is allowed to subscribe to the website by registering external email addresses that have not given their consent to do so. This website implements as a countermeasure to this practice a double-opt-in mailing list that requires explicit confirmation by the owner of the electronic email account as a subscription address, before receiving communications by email. In the event that you are receiving communications from this website without having registered, or without having received your express consent to such registration, you can cancel the subscription by sending an email to or from the links that inform you of the own communication that you have received.
► Web hosting: For technical reasons and quality of service, this website is hosted on the servers of S, trenmark registered by the company SOLUCIONES CORPORATIVAS IP, S.L. , with registered office atcon domicilio social en Calle Ses Parres, 21 1º, Manacor-07500 Illes Balears, España, con C.I.F.: B-57333601, whose privacy policy you can read in the following link:Dondominio-Aviso Legal y SOLUCIONES CORPORATIVAS IP, S.L – Aviso legal
► Complete information on Data Protection:It is important that you read the following information so that you know your rights and know how we use the information you have given us:
(1) .- What are the purposes of the treatment to which your personal data are destined ?:The email you have provided in the forms of subscription to the mailing list contained in this website is intended to provide you with information about the content of this website and to direct you different advertising communications about books and other products and activities related to DOKENSIP, such as raffles, offers, contests, conferences and presentations.However, if you have provided your name and email through the contact form with DOKENSIP, those data collected are for the sole purpose of addressing your request and giving you an answer, without ever being used to send you any kind of information. commercial information or advertising.
(2) .- We will never share your email with third parties, unless required by law.If you have provided your name and email through the contact form with DOKENSIP , those data collected will not be saved by
(3) .- How long will we keep your data ?: We will keep them indefinitely, until you ask us to delete them.
(4) .- Is it mandatory that you give us your information ?:If you want to subscribe to our mailing list with the purposes that we have mentioned before, it is mandatory that you provide us with your email. If you do not provide it to us, you will not be able to subscribe or receive the information described, but you will be able to continue using the web freely.In the case of the contact form with DOKENSIP, it is mandatory that you provide us with the requested information (name and email address) in order to respond to your request and respond to you, but at no time will these data be used to send you commercial information or advertising If you do not provide us with this information (name and email) we simply can not meet your request and you will not receive any response.
(5) .- What are your rights ?:- You have the right to request access to your personal data, and rectification or deletion. You have the right to complete incomplete personal information, including through an additional declaration.- You have the right to limit the treatment we are giving to your data, or to oppose treatment.- You have the right to the portability of your data, that is, to take the data to another site, as long as it is technically possible.- You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Logically, the treatment we have done of your email before you withdraw your consent will be valid.- You have the right to file a claim with a control authority.- You have the right to be confirmed if personal data concerning you is being processed or not. In case that we are dealing with your personal data, you have the right to access those personal data and the following information:
a) the purposes of the treatment, that is, for what we use your data.
b) the categories of personal data in question, that is, what types of personal data they are.
c) the addressees or categories of recipients to whom the personal data were communicated or communicated, in particular to third parties or international organizations. That is, if we share your personal data with third parties. As we have told you before, we will never share your data with third parties, except as required by law;
d) if possible, the period foreseen during which we will keep your personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this deadline;
e) of your right to request the rectification or deletion of personal data or to limit the processing of your personal data, or to oppose our treatment;
f) the right to submit a claim to a supervisory authority; We will provide you with a copy of your personal data that we are dealing with. If you ask us for any other copy we can demand that you pay us a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. When you submit your request by electronic means, and unless you request that we provide it to you in another way, we will provide the information by email.Remember that you will only have the right to obtain that copy of your personal data as long as it does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.We take this section to inform you that we will never treat data that you have not provided directly to us through the subscription forms or the contact form. In addition, we do not use your email to make automated decisions or create profiles of you as a consumer or potential customer.We also inform you that there is a file or treatment of personal data registered in the General Data Protection Registry of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.If you have exercised your rights of deletion or deletion of your data, we can keep your data only if we need to formulate, exercise or defend against claims, after which they will be definitively eliminated.
(6) .- How can you exercise your rights ?: Remember that the fastest and most economical way to know if we are treating your personal data and to exercise all the rights that we just talked about is sending us an email to info @ dokensip.comIn the event that you wish to exercise them by mail, do so by going to the address for these purposes of the owner of the web that we have indicated above.
We will respond within a month of receiving the request. This period may be extended for another two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and the number of applications. We will inform you of any of these extensions within one month of receiving the request, stating the reasons for the delay. When you submit the request electronically, the information will be provided by electronic means whenever possible, unless you request that it be provided otherwise.If for any reason we do not comply with your request, we will inform you without delay, and no later than one month after receiving the request, the reasons for not acting and the possibility that you submit a claim to a supervisory authority and to exercise legal actions.
The information we provide will be free. However, when the requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, especially due to their repetitive nature, we can:
a) charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative costs incurred to facilitate the information or communication or perform the requested action, or
b) refuse to act with respect to the request.
If we have reasonable doubts regarding your identity, we may request that you provide us with the additional information necessary to confirm your identity.
Cookie Policy
Il nostro sito web utilizza cookie propri e di terze parti per migliorare e personalizzare la tua esperienza.
Che cosa sono i cookies?
I cookie sono file inviati da un sito web e memorizzati nel browser di un utente, per accedere sua attività sul Sito web per rendere più fluida l’attività nell’accedere al Sito web e rendere l’esplorazione personalizzata.
Quali tipi di cookie che utilizza il nostro sito web?
DIPENDE DA CHI LI GESTISCE: – Cookie: sono quelli inviati allutente da una apparecchiatura terminale o da un computer del dominio gestito dall’editore stesso e che ha fornito il servizio richiesto dall’utente. – Cookie di terze parti: Sono quelli che vengono inviati all’apparecchiatura terminale di un utente da un computer o da un dominio che non è gestito dall’editore, ma da un altro soggetto che tratta i dati ottenuti mediante l’uso di cookie. Nel caso in cui il cookie venga installato da un computer o da un dominio gestito dall’editore stesso, ma le informazioni che vengono raccolte attraverso questi è gestito da un terzo, non possono essere considerate, come prima, cookie di terze parti.
IN BASE AL TEMPO CHE RIMANGONO ATTIVATI: – Cookie di sessione: Si tratta di un tipo di cookie progettato per raccogliere e memorizzare i dati di accesso al nostro sito web. – Cookies Persistenti: Sono un tipo di cookie i cui dati rimangono memorizzati nel terminale e possono essere letti e trattati nel corso di un determinato periodo di tempo, che può variare da pochi minuti a diversi anni.
IN BASE AL LORO SCOPO: – I Cookie tecnici: sono quelli necessari per la navigazione e il corretto funzionamento del nostro sito web. Essi consentono, ad esempio, il controllo del traffico e la comunicazione di dati e di parti ad accesso limitato, l’utilizzo di funzioni di sicurezza, la memorizzazione di contenuti per essere in grado di mostrare video o condividere contenuti attraverso i social network.
– Analisi dei Cookies: sono quelli che si sia vengano trattati da noi o da terze parti, ci consentono di quantificare il numero di utenti e di effettuare la misurazione e analisi statistiche circa l’utilizzo da parte degli utenti del nostro sito web. Per analizzare la navigazione nel nostro sito web per migliorare l’offerta di prodotti o dei servizi da noi offerti.
Questi sono i cookie utilizzati sul nostro sito web e lo scopo degli stessi.
PHPSESSID Dominio inviato da: Descrizione: Questo cookie viene attivato automaticamente quando l’utente entra nel sito e scade al termine della sessione di navigazione. Il suo scopo è quello di controllare la sessione dell’utente. Necessari per navigare e per il corretto funzionamento del nostro sito web. Proprio/terzi: Proprio Scopo: Necessario Data di Scadenza: alla chiusura della sessione. Escluso/escluso (dell’obbligo del consenso): Escluso
Elenco di cookies di terze parti fornitori del dominio Google Inc. Scopo del cookie: Analisi Descrizione del Cookie: i Cookie di Google Analytics. Essi generano un utente anonimo ID, che viene utilizzato per contare il numero di volte che un utente visita il sito. Si registra anche quando il sito è stato visitato per la prima e l’ultima visita. Calcola anche quando una sessione è terminata, provenienza dell’utente e la parola chiave: (Cookie: __ga) Ulteriori informazioni sull’uso dei cookie di terze parti: sjs/cookie-usage Google Inc. Scopo del cookie: Cookie delle Preferenze Descrizione: PREF e NID cookie possono memorizzare le preferenze e le altre informazioni, in particolare la lingua preferita (ad esempio, in inglese), e il numero di risultati da visualizzare per pagina (ad esempio, 10 o 20) (Cookie: PREF, NID) Ulteriori informazioni sull’uso dei cookie di terze parti: sjs/cookie-usage AddThis Inc. Scopo del cookie: Cookie di Funzionalità Descrizione: AddThis è una società che fornisce soluzioni per la condivisione dei contenuti sui social network. Nei loro sistemi it utilizza i cookie per raccogliere informazioni anonime quando l’utente visita siti. AddThis può utilizzare le informazioni che non identificano personalmente raccolte durante la loro visita, in modo che altri siti
possono pubblicare annunci pubblicitari su prodotti e servizi che possono essere di loro interesse. Se non si desidera AddThis raccolga tali informazioni, andare al di Opt-Out di Raccolta Dati via internet AddThis (http://www.addthi Ulteriori informazioni sull’uso dei cookie di terze parti: Youtube Scopo del cookie: il video Incorporato Descrizione del Cookie: Cookie: PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC, l’ID del canale, stoccaggio locale.
Ulteriori informazioni sull’uso dei cookie di terze parti: *Questo elenco verrà aggiornato il più rapidamente possibile, i servizi del sito in esso offerti sono cambiate. Tuttavia, di tanto in tanto durante questo aggiornamento, l’elenco potrebbe non includere già un cookie, anche se farà sempre riferimento ai cookies con proprietà identiche a quelle registrate in questo elenco.
Consenso Durante la navigazione e continuando nel nostro sito web sarete voi a indicare che permettete l’utilizzo di questi cookie, e sotto le condizioni contenute in questa Cookie Policy. Per la scelta circa l’utilizzo dei cookie su questo sito web, ti verrà inviato un ulteriore extra cookie per salvaguardare la vostra scelta. L’installazione di cookies non è necessario per l’utilizzo di questo sito web. Gli utenti possono non accettarli, configurando il browser per bloccarli, e, se del caso, eliminarli.
Come consentire, bloccare o eliminare i cookie? In conformità con le disposizioni del Regio Decreto-Legge 13/2012, si prega di essere informati che è possibile consentire, bloccare o eliminare i cookie installati sul vostro computer configurando il browser Internet opzioni. Se li si blocca , alcuni servizi che richiedono l’uso potrebbero non essere disponibili per voi. Ecco i link dove potrete trovare informazioni su come si può attivare le tue preferenze nei principali browser: Google Chrome: Vai al link Mozilla Firefox: Vai al link Internet Explorer: vai al link Safari: vai al link Safari para IOS (iPhone, iPad): vai al link Cookie Flash: vai al link Opera: vai al link Chrome per Android: vai al link
Infine, si può andare al sito web, Your Online Choices
Our website uses its own and third party cookies to improve and personalise your experience.
What are cookies?
Cookies are files sent from a website and stored in a user’s browser, they log its activity on the Website to enable a more fluid and personalized browsing.
What types of cookies does our website use?
– Own Cookies: They are those sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
– Third party cookies: Son aquéllas que se envían al equipo terminal del usuario desde un equipo o dominio que no es gestionado por el editor, sino por otra entidad que trata los datos obtenidos a través de las cookies. En el caso que las cookies sean instaladas desde un equipo o dominio gestionado por el propio editor pero la información que se recoja mediante éstas sea gestionada por un tercero, no pueden ser consideradas como cookies propias.
– Session Cookies: They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while you access our website.
– Persistent Cookies: Son un tipo de cookies en el que los datos siguen almacenados en el terminal y pueden ser accedidos y tratados durante un periodo determinado de tiempo, y que puede ir de unos minutos a varios años.
– Technical Cookies: They are those necessary for browsing and proper functioning of our website. They allow for example, controlling traffic and data communication, access to restricted parts, use of security features, storing contents to be able to show videos or share content via social networks.
– Analytic Cookies: They are those that either treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of our website. To do so we analyse browsing in our website in order to improve the product offer or services we offer.
Here are the cookies used on our website and the purpose thereof.
Domain sent from:
Description: This cookie is automatically activated when the user enters the site and expires at the end of the browsing session. Its purpose is to control the user’s session. Necessary for browsing and the proper functioning of our website.
Own/third party: Own
Purpose: Necessary
Expiry date On closing session
Excluded/Not excluded (of the duty of informed consent): Excluida
List of third party cookie service providers in the domain
Google Inc.
Purpose of the cookie: Analíticas
Cookie description: Google Analytics Cookies. They generate an anonymous user ID, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site. It also records when the website was first and last visited. It also calculates when a session has finished, origin of the user and keywords. (Cookie: __ga)
More information on the use of third-party cookies:
Google Inc.
Purpose of the cookie: Preferences
Cookie description: The PREF and NID cookie may store your preferences and other information, in particular your preferred language (e.g., English), and the number of search results you want displayed per page (e.g., 10 or 20) (Cookies: PREF, NID)
More information on the use of third-party cookies:
AddThis Inc.
Purpose of the cookie: Functionality
Cookie description: AddThis is a company that provides solutions for content sharing in social networks. In their systems it uses cookies to collect anonymous information when the user visit sites. AddThis may use information that does not personally identify them collected during their visit so that other sites can post advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to them. If you do not want AddThis to collect such information, go to the Opt-Out Data Collection website AddThis (http://www.addthi
More information on the use of third-party cookies:
Purpose of the cookie: Embedded video
Cookie description: Cookies: PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC, channel ID, local storage
More information on the use of third-party cookies:
*This list will be updated as quickly as possible as the services of the website offered in it are changed. However, occasionally during this upgrade the list might not include a cookie already, although it will always refer to cookies with identical purposes to those registered in this list.
When browsing and continuing in our website you indicate that you allow the use made of these cookies, and under the conditions contained in this Policy Cookies.
From the choice you make about the use of cookies on this website you will be sent an additional extra cookie to safeguard your choice.
Installing cookies is not necessary for using this website. Users can not accept them configuring their browser to block them, and, where appropriate, eliminate them.
How to allow, block or delete cookies?
In accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 please be informed that you can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring your Internet browser options. If you block them, some services that need their use might not be available for you.
Here are links where you will find information on how you can activate your preferences in the major browsers:
Google Chrome: Ir al enlace
Mozilla Firefox: Go to link
Internet Explorer: Ir al enlace
Safari: Ir al enlace
Safari para IOS (iPhone, iPad): Ir al enlace
Cookies Flash: Ir al enlace
Opera: Ir al enlace
Chrome Android: Ir al enlace
Finally, you can go to the website Your Online Choices